Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How to Create Profitable Relationships Using Facebook

Mari Smith
How can you get recommended?

Create a Page for your business... but worry about join my blog, my group, my page, etc etc. Have a reason for each of these

Get your tribe enthusiastic about you and want to recommend you.

Sample, template for commenting on other people's walls. Note something on their blog.

Have a specific strategic plan in mind, then go right away to that person. Comment on their wall because your friends will see that comment.
Say something in public (on wall, etc.) rather than in private. You get more exposure that way.

Respect each person's style -- some are bottom line, some are chatty.

Put them into your funnel. Multiple entrances: Use mybox app - mybot? Search Facebook apps for HTML - If you have opt-in box on your website, put it on profile or your page. Group - portion of your business... Blog, Twitter, YouTube. Multiple entrance points to your business. Portray consistent message that you're in business and what services you offer.

Part of the conference call broke off, so I missed part of this. Sign up for 7-day e-course -- action-oriented -- soon

twittersync - facebook status - multiplatform status updates - tingofpings or pingofpings
Posted Items - links, etc. that might be of interest
Go on different times of days

New Facebookers:
1. Spend 45 mins to set up properly
2. Put in content first -- pictures, etc. Worry about friends after
3. Get a feel for it, use it daily for 5 minutes to see if it's work for you. Be congruent, conversational, open, etc.

Old Facebookers:
1. Clean up profile - remove funwall, superwall, friendblock -- anything high graphics also cuz you don't have control over it
2. Move wall as high as you can... invite people to engage with you. It will go on their friend feed and yours
3. Give your blog exposure. Mention people in your blogs and tag them occasionally
4. Update status daily.
5. Get picky -- don't add everyone and their dog. Can friend then unfriend them
6. Social media strategy? What's your branding, core message, sales funnel. How much does it cost me, and what do I get for money?
7. Free content... People have challenges and need their help. Eventsapp - invite to calls and events and whatnot

Groups vs. fan pages?
Click on advertising (don't have to pay for ads) for page.
Group... specific aspect of your business, or more generic group. Facebook copywriters group, for example. To mentor other people, or do market research. Red Bono? Obama doing a good job, too.
Upload pictures that aren't too revealing, but are interesting to other people -- you at a BBQ.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Create fans through Twitter

Deborah Micek

Why use Twitter
1. Communicate with your tribe
2. Develop your brand message
3. Reputation management
4. Research/knowledge
5. Trendspotting
6. Be connected to world, latest news
7. Strengthen bond with partners, etc
8. Attract new clients
9. Find and connect with influencers
10. Top SEO for online research. ? /tts = twenes ? twitter from the road

No line between business and personal

On Twitter, link to your blog, not your landing page (thank you!)

Zappos, Jetblue all doing it well

Contests are the new advertising

When you write/tweet, talk to one person
"What does everyone think about..." = no. "What do you think about..." = yes

Share resource
Connect with people
Link to another person's blog post
Ask question, every 10-12-20 posts

Convert on blog that goes to website - Like Google alerts for twitter, though won't e-mail you. Just save your search (your name, your subject) and visit regularly

Friendfeed... add youtube and flickr, etc.

Copy paste your badge code on blog or facebook or whatever. settings more info url... blue link add twitter to site