Thursday, October 23, 2008

Attract More Business by Getting "Slightly" Famous

Find out what you deliver, then find an industry that will appeal to it. Easy to find the people to appeal to and conferences to speak at.

1. Introduce yourself to the editors and media people who work in your industry
- I'm an expert on x, y, z, tell me who I should talk to who might find me useful
- Introduce yourself -- one-pager, snapshot of your expertise that you can send along
2. Watch the news cycle
3. Trade publications like it if it's timely
4. Online interviews, podcasts, radio interviews. Consultants with monthly teleseminars. Selection process is a lot easier
5. Cause-related marketing. ID with a certain cause
- partner with non-profit
- do pro bono work
- sit on the board
- high-level connections with people doing the same thing


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