Thursday, December 13, 2007

C-to-C marketing

Consumer-generated marketing

Mukund Mohan
Best Engaging Communities

Ask customers how they would innovate... What they would like to see in a specific way

Support Community, Innovation community, user community, developer community, social network, partner community -- all of these are online communities

Customers like customers referring stuff to them
Let customers help each other

Reduces cost per lead
Increase revenue (beta)
Reduced cost of integration

Metrics: How many are joining and commenting
How quickly people are getting answers

Only 1 percent of the community will post and interact
99 percent will read, get it fixed, and go away
1. You have to have a connection with the customer -- Post a question: Brian posted about this, and reply in a post. One person at a time, get in a conversation.
2. Offer incentives
3. Feature something the audience said... Show Brian to be smart, a leader, let his post play in...

Make sure you're adding value to the community rather than just marketing. Support existing communities


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