Monday, December 26, 2011


Here are a few notes on contracts. Wee!

Make sure they pay attorney's fees if they lose.

If everything changes, then end the contract and make a new one!
IP transfer on payment. If they use before paid, you can sue!


Offers and how to sell

Not quite sure what these notes were from, but here they are!

Limiters are good.
People invest in the destination, not the plan. Offer = outcome plus service delivery. 90 percent of outcome, less about how.
What is the promise of your event (or whatever): focus on destination.
1. Focus on the outcome
2. Make sure it has legs... tried and true for you and other people (social proof) - use case studies. Testimonial into a case study. Pick something you teach that that person implemented... seeding. Give immediate value, and then show where to get more.
3. Be committed, but not attached. Committed to their making a decision, but not attached to a yes or no :)
4. Keep it simple. Main offer, a couple bonuses
5. Use limiters.
Time (good on stage), quantity - first x people, get y
tension vs. pressure... pressure bad, tension ok.
Make an offer -- need to do that... must show them how to move forward.
Make an offer and use limiters, clarify them, for realz!
2-step offer -
Naming... name an offer
Timing... when do i make an offer
How to get people to show up for appointments:
Need a hook... hook, hook, and hook
Something really juicy, that you will give to them if they show up.
1. Offer the hook
2. Remind people of the hook
3. Deliver the hook
Close an appointment... give hook.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Build Relationships with Confidence & Ease

1. Mindset
2. Set Intention
3. Initiate Contact
4. Conversation
Do interesting things... be intriguing...
Not a magical list of questions and once you finish, you have a relationship. It has to be a conversation, give and take. Ask questions and listen. Not a checklist of questions!

5. Follow up - want to be invited to continue full conversation. Adding value. Don't send marketing brochure. Find something in convo to add value on... what projects are they working on, what their goals are on. Ask how would you like to be contacted.
Find common interests or passions to share together. Plan the second date during the first date right there. (Maybe in value e-mail, ask for 2nd connection)

Friday, April 03, 2009

Branding through Social Media

Social Media Club presentation 3-31-09

Connect your brand to the bottom line
Who cares about number of followers if they aren't writing you checks.

Have users use your services/brand not just for their own end, but to the brand's end.

Turn brand evangelists into sales force.

Listen to the market. No such thing as bad publicity.

Chat with people and influencers before announcements. Watch out for "accidental spokespeople" (?)

Piggyback on major brands and their events (like 3rd party stamp of approval). Joint ventures with them.

Peer mailing - service - ad is yanked if it doesn't get clicked through a certain percentage of the time

Awareness: People know about your brand
Brand: Why they should care
Cancer awareness is really high, but no one wants it.

-avoid opinion leaders... make them afraid they're missing out, make them afraid of brand evangelists
-must articulate brand strategy to evangelists and give them tools to evangelize
-get small ones to love you and go out and evangelize

-Set their expectations so you can fulfill them - say what you are not

-now not just influencers, but influencer communities represent a demographic
--often attached to big demos and have organized meetings and tweetups
--food community, for example, is big, as are mommy bloggers

-If you have a negative thread, link it to positive or neutral threads on the subject, also listen

-launched at the same time as another competitor, meant it was a trend, and then was able to piggyback on the other site's PR
-Site that attracts brands that partner

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Attract More Business by Getting "Slightly" Famous

Find out what you deliver, then find an industry that will appeal to it. Easy to find the people to appeal to and conferences to speak at.

1. Introduce yourself to the editors and media people who work in your industry
- I'm an expert on x, y, z, tell me who I should talk to who might find me useful
- Introduce yourself -- one-pager, snapshot of your expertise that you can send along
2. Watch the news cycle
3. Trade publications like it if it's timely
4. Online interviews, podcasts, radio interviews. Consultants with monthly teleseminars. Selection process is a lot easier
5. Cause-related marketing. ID with a certain cause
- partner with non-profit
- do pro bono work
- sit on the board
- high-level connections with people doing the same thing

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

PR moves that will get you in there

1. Notice what other people in your field have written in books. They reveal incredible strategy and mistakes. Don't believe everything you read. May respect their experience, then find out they contributed to downfall of television.
Question: Are writers contributing to the downfall of television?
Ask questions, and formulate answers for yourself. I agree with X, but not with Y
Your thoughts matter! Original thought is rewarded
Discover what you already know

2. Teleseminars, blogs, etc. You create a summary of what you know already and expand and share

3. Comment on news stories in your field. Fresh and current comments in your blog. Helps you mimic an interview style

4. MEDIA SITE. Put demonstration video, put media picture. "Local television live demo" -- whatever that means. Not just speaking engagement. Links to media coverage. 3rd party seal of approval very important
Have a list of topics you can discuss
Have a phone # that is direct to you that you can actually answer
Media Bio -- top-notch credentials... degrees, whatever will separate you from competition. Awards, book is best-seller. at the beginning. No fluff. 5-10 seconds

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Triangle of social success

Kind of off-topic, or maybe it's really on topic

Three things for success:
1. Beliefs
2. Barriers
3. Techniques

1. Accept the things you cannot change. Don't use them as excuses: I'm black; I'm a woman, whatever. Change your frame so you can look at them in a positive light
-Affirmations. Put them in the now. Reprogram mind to think positively. Look for signs of success in your daily life instead of signs of failure. Secrets of Attraction, by Anne Taylor (or something)
-Visualizations and vision board

2. Remove the barriers to success
-Things that we can change -- weight, people we hang out with, watching too much tv, etc. etc.

3. Take action
-Write a smart goal

Three beliefs you want to cultivate to reach your goal
For each belief, come up with solution for each. 10 times each for 10 days

ID 3 Barriers
ID 3 goals

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to get your book noticed

1. Get yourself a website. Also, your name, writer, etc.
2. Get yourself a domain for each book you might possibly write (I like this... do loglines for things you've never written, then get people to vote on which ones they like best)
3. Show where you've spoken, been in the media
4. Even if you're writing fiction, promote the non-fiction angle. Promote who's acting in your movie (yeah, right), the baseball field you're building for your child, etc. etc.

Kinda zoned during this one -- might have been info I knew already.