Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Triangle of social success

Kind of off-topic, or maybe it's really on topic

Three things for success:
1. Beliefs
2. Barriers
3. Techniques

1. Accept the things you cannot change. Don't use them as excuses: I'm black; I'm a woman, whatever. Change your frame so you can look at them in a positive light
-Affirmations. Put them in the now. Reprogram mind to think positively. Look for signs of success in your daily life instead of signs of failure. Secrets of Attraction, by Anne Taylor (or something)
-Visualizations and vision board

2. Remove the barriers to success
-Things that we can change -- weight, people we hang out with, watching too much tv, etc. etc.

3. Take action
-Write a smart goal

Three beliefs you want to cultivate to reach your goal
For each belief, come up with solution for each. 10 times each for 10 days

ID 3 Barriers
ID 3 goals

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to get your book noticed

1. Get yourself a website. Also, your name, writer, etc.
2. Get yourself a domain for each book you might possibly write (I like this... do loglines for things you've never written, then get people to vote on which ones they like best)
3. Show where you've spoken, been in the media
4. Even if you're writing fiction, promote the non-fiction angle. Promote who's acting in your movie (yeah, right), the baseball field you're building for your child, etc. etc.

Kinda zoned during this one -- might have been info I knew already.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Become a Celebrity in your backyard

Nancy Juetten's teleseminar session, 15 Ways to Get Publicity!

What can you do to shift your reputation to what you want it to be?

Once you win something, use it as part of your bio. Better business bureau, even.

People who award you will likely hire you, too.

Surround yourself only with people who lift you higher.

Is there a member of the year? Or freelancer of the year?

If nominated, invite clients to event and pay for their ticket.

Must have bio, inviting. Credentials, plus why do I care. "I like moving furniture around... makes me feel better. I want people to feel happy in their home." No boring.
Expertise sheet: with 20 years experience, my expertise is in 1, 2, or 3. This is what qualifies me. Here are three talking points. Please contact me when you have this issue.

What are the three points so that you feel proud of it. How they feel, what they want to do, what they should remember.


Worst thing: Say you don't watch it.
Best thing: Demonstrate through your quality approach, that you are celebrating the reporters. I read your work, I liked your piece on whatever.