Annie Jennings PR... how to tie in with the news
How to know if your press release is for real... try out the product beforehand, or talk to people who have used it.
Comment on the latest reports coming out.
Need to be very familiar with the news itself, before talking to the journalist. This is called a pre-interview, or test.
Be direct and to the point. No tangents. Sound bite quality.
Look at
Apply wisdom, situation and knowledge, to what's in the news.
They will want you to choose a side in issue. Know why you choose your side. Wisdom, knowledge. Your points have a logical flow:
1. Yes, there is a problem. How did this happen? Who is it happening to? 4th thing. 5. How do we solve the problem?
That's a complete segment.
Sometime's the person interviewing misplaced notes, will lob something to you, hopes you'll take control of the segment.
I'm an economics professor, I teach here, which is why I feel strongly about this topic... etc. etc.
Need media website, that showcases you. Don't need to put "Buy my book" kind of stuff. Make sure there is a demo on your website that is easy to get to. No new software program to download. Professional, clear-cut, to the point. 3-minute demo.
Bullet point list of topics you can talk about. ie, grief, child psychology, etc. break it down.
Read stuff, then file it away. Cut and paste into folder. So you have nutrition stories, children stories. File it away for future reference.
You will be able to write a good book, because you have all the information, and you'll be a futurist.
Is there a psychopath in your life?
Do something topical, then move it into social relevance. Celebrity addiction is good, because many are addicted, and this is how to deal.
Learn to be a host-style million dollar expert. They are hard to find.
-Look like the host...
-looking sparkly... bright white teeth