What's all the Buzz about? Leveraging Consumer Generated Media
Webinar with Consumer Experience Practice
How to hardness the power of audiences today?
1. Listen to the Dialogue -- what are they talking about?
2. Enable the Immersion --Understand the why of what they're watching/engaging with content. Using that information to get the immersed further and wrap it in branding message
3. Engage for Insight (not just impact) -- if they're engaged, they will see it as obviously self-serving, don't disrupt that engaging experience
They tracked conversations about UGLY BETTY and categorized what they were talking about. People talk about how they're extending their experience with ringtones, etc. etc.
50% have a high degree of personal association with the characters and personalities in the show.
RUNAWAY - fan culture negativity -- many fans came from old show that was cancelled to make place for new show.
Most users would like to give immediate feedback to writers/directors/etc.
Engagement wheel:
Behavior: create/recreate, record/save texts, reread, share/discuss/negotiate, master the text -- more engaged fans in repeats
Higher level: I like it it's cool, complex and satisfying... missed the rest
most useful: Message boards, streaming media capability (want), e-commerce, mso vod, e-commerce/show merchandise, mobile wallpapers (less wanted), ring-tones, out-takes (want), live chat, mobisodes (less wanted (!)), sms polling/surveys (want)
People really want digital extensions (especially younger) - most likely message boards and such
Engage for Insight:
Find ways for fans to engage with each other
Show a map of all the other folks who were interested in a certain post, then see what other topics they have in common - like interior deisgn, etc.
With limited budget, you can go out and connect with lots of communities out there. You don't want to come across as disingenuous. Really understand the audience and target them. You want 50 really engaged fans rather than 500 mediocrely engaged fans.
Backlash if you're not honest.
Let others tell them what the brand means to them. (Mentos user-ad example)
Don't give online users stuff if they're not your brand -- you'll get negative feedback. If online and offline consumer is the same, rock on!
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