Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dave Lakhani - Secrets of Persuasion

Tell stories.
Persona -- build a powerful, effective persona
- What is people's initial reaction when they first perceive you
- Act the same way every time, people will expect it from you
Transfer of Credibility - whatever we see people do, we do too. Testimonials are good
When you learn to persuade -- your story is too powerful, too different, you can't be compared to anyone else.

When enter, stand in doorframe -- frame yourself -- for 3-5 seconds. People will pay more attention to you.

Shake hands with both hands, make eye contact, and say name.

People want to buy from experts rather than generalists.


At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Amely,

I saw your recent post about Dave Lakhani and thought you might want to check out Mindjet's upcoming webinar with him

“Use The Power of an Hour & MindManager to Map 2007 Goals”

Here are the details, if you want to check it out:

Wednesday, December 13th
1:00- 2:00pm / PST

To Register:

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Anne said...

Hey, went to that one too, which was helpful :)


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