Surviving Competition
This looks really helpful to me. I will ponder these questions.
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That’s a lot of choice thrown at consumers every single day. It’s also a lot of noise. Your customers do what you do. They filter it all out. And only the products or services that really connect to them, through their mind and their heart, ever get to their wallet.
To make sure you grasp in the power of this, please say the next line out loud so that you truly take it to heart, “MY COMPETITION IS EVERY ONE.”
It also means that everyone is a potential customer as well.
Incorporating the theory of Unified Conscious Development that is behind the BrandU process, there are 4 things you can do to win customers every time.
1. Know why you do your business and fly it up the flag pole. As a result of marketing overwhelm, consumers crave a deeper reason to buy something. Your ‘why’ should be so charged with power that it breaks through the noise and gives them a deeper reason.
2. Put knowledge on a throne. In the information age knowledge is king— it’s more important than any product or service you can ever offer! When you adjust your mindset to this understanding, there is no end to how you can differentiate yourself from the rest. Just remember, your competition can do this too.
3. Give your business a place to live. Not an actual address—a structure. You absolutely must create systems for every aspect of your business or it will explode, or more likely, implode. You need solid processes that you can rely on to give you solid information so that you can chose instead of react. You live in a home for a reason. It gives you shelter, security, and a sense of order. Your business needs this structure as well to function, communicate, and thrive.
4. Surround yourself in a like community and serve it. Nothing is ever won alone. Although cyclist Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times, he did so with the aid of the other twelve riders on his team, as well as dozens of specialists who prepared him for excellence. Think of both your staff/vendors and your customers as your team. One reason why QVC (the #1 TV shopping Network) says their “sales increased 14% every year since 1996 is that they are building a relationship with customers, not just selling to them.” You can ensure that customers buy what you sell if you make sure your business constantly impacts their lives.
By making these fours shifts in the way you approach your business, you can be a vital and successful part of the changing currents of business.
So will you survive the new competition? Only YOU can answer that. It really comes down to you— every time. Rather than ‘winning over’ someone else, realize that competition only about raising the bar on your self. And, if you bring more of your self to your business AND to your customers every time you (and they) will always win.
© Castle Montone, Limited.
Brand Visioneer Kim Castle is an internationally known author, speaker and entrepreneur. Are you making one of the 15 MISTAKES THAT KILL BUSINESS SUCCESS? Find out and change it immediately for fr*ee.
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