Melanie Benson-Strick
Another conference call featuring Melanie Benson-Strick on running your own business and working less.
3 major mistakes:
Bright, shiny object syndrome – wanna do that, say yes because you can, instead of knowing it’ll pay off
Superhero syndrome – Flurry of activity without any plan for it, all over the place
Job syndrome – We create a biz to make more money, but with no idea how to run a biz, so we run it like an employee instead of taking responsibility for running a successful biz.
No shortage of ideas, just a shortage of results
clear ideas + focused action = massive results
Your beliefs dictate your habits which dictate your results
Your inner game dictates your outer game
If you don’t like your results, you have to change inner game first… all the advertisement and web pages won’t pay off otherwise
Formula for doing stuff
Don’t say yes to everything, have a clear plan and all that
When you can say yes to something and know how it pays off, then you have formula for success:
How is this gonna make money for my business? Then you are playing the 6-7 figure game.
Process for a certain woman: What are values, priorities, skills, what gets her excited?
What would pay off for her would be doing her own live events.
1. You’ve got to be clear on what’s important to you.
2. Have a plan to achieve it. Work on your plan every day.
3. Block time for working on the business. Be in your big-picture thinking.
4. Integrating specific action steps into your calendar. Move from idea stage into calendar…
5. Leveraging your resources… don’t try to do it all by yourself
Why don’t you do #2? Is it frustrating, boring, don’t know how, don’t get it’s high payoff? We get so sucked into working in biz, we don’t work *on* biz aspect. It’s high payoff
If you don’t know how, learn skill
You cannot eat an elephant in one bite – cannot make goals that big, ie “Write a book”
Keep a plan visible – biz plan, action plan, marketing plan… action plan moves to calendar.. otherwise nothing gets done
Making planning a habit = high payoff
Get clear on life struggles – Most ppl chase their own tail.
Get clear about lifestyle goals – was frustrated by how hard she worked… put her lifestyle goals first – traveling, go to Europe … milestone goals, etc.
Get in habits – even if it’s stuff you don’t like
Clear desk of distractions – when you allow toxic experiences, surrounded by ppl who don’t support you, then it’ll be hard for you to focus on high payoff activities
If you’re not focused, your teams are not focused.
If you’re not planning, making habits, then you can’t do it on your own.
Magnetizing your goal – attracts you to it
Sounds good, doesn't it?
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