Thursday, November 16, 2006


This was an ExecTech meeting on referability.

Why people are referred:

I have to believe in business model, product, or person. To believe in it, it must be not too complicated, honest, and relevant.

Is the person trustworthy?

If not sure if it's trustworthy, then refer with caveat.

Strong sense of values: Integrity, honesty, responsibility, competence

According to article
Be likeable, be reliable, customer should trust you, have good track record

Gets to know someone well before they refer them. See if you can work together.

Little things that indicate trust.

Referral sometimes confirms what you already feel about someone.

Take-home message: I may need to read about about building trust.

I looked up trust: Trust, then, can be defined as confidence, the absence of suspicion, confirmed by track record and our ability to correct.

The track record is only a confirmation of well-placed trust. If we define trust solely in terms of past events, we often consign ourselves to long periods of testing and sometimes stubborn unforgiveness. It is much more productive to correct mistakes and miscommunications to re-build trust starting now.


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