Score and Win through cooperation
It's not what or who you know, it's what you know about who you know
Stephanie Stephens, Abacus
DIRECT webinar
Housefile: your division's mailing list
Affiliatefiles: your company's other mailing lists
Housefile... usually keep RFM (recency, frequency, and Monetary value)
It's not helpful to mail entire file, know where to draw the line
Co-op database... gives more info than you might have alone, helps you find "high-performing names"
Affiliates: same credit cards at both, advertise both, don't necessarily need same affinity
You can also find out how your customers spent with your affiliate
Co-op helps categorize non-buyer files: giftees, gift cards, ship-to addresses, inquiries
Hotline buyers - customers who recently used/experienced your product (hot customers)
-email campaigns
-special creative - send special creative with product deliveries, related product offerings
-special offers - free shipping, discounts (don't make them too common, because then it will devalue your product), be creative
Scoring names using coop overlaying data elements:
category/channel vairables
transactional history
Multiple channel buyers: got catalog, then bought in store. Got catalog, then bought online,
Apply multiple contact strategies
-- know where your customers are coming from, and what media they use before coming to you
-- track with coded coupon so you know where they came from
Choosing just one approach will increase results 10-40 percent
Psycographics -- person's behavioral characteristics. "Soccer mom" "downtown single dweller" usually a cluster of those suited to your offer
Claritas can provide that info.
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