Thursday, June 07, 2007

Content strategy

Alan Voivoid,
Specializes in content plans

Dignity marketing:
Many people don't like "sell." Sharing your own expertise with your ideal audience that is natural. It's not a forced sales pitch.

Content plan:
It's not a full marketing plan. That requires psycographics, demographics, etc.
It's not an advertising/promotional plan.
It's a plan to share your expertise that helps know, like, and trust factor, allows people to get to know you over time. Relationship-building is primary key behind it.

Business plan - overall
Marketing plan - subsection
Content plan - subsection

Mash-up releases: press releases that are more like articles

Content plan - includes podcasts, video blogging, blogging, white papers, focused press releases, articles for trade publications/industry, articles to article directories, speaking engagements, ezines, teleclasses, seminars, workshops

CP helps you communicate more frequently -- documented knowledge and expertise. Gives opportunity for relationships with audience. It's not just about "Buy my product, buy my service!"

Pick a couple content vehicles and follow through with them.

Power tools for content plan: Any form of content that can be repurposed over and over and over again. Write it once, then use it a lot. Then it's a good use of time and energy.
Blogging, article writing, press release -- Same content on multiple platforms... even white paper and teleclass. - Don't worry about same content everywhere. It's casting a wider net. If they see you in more than one place, will be impressed with how widespread you are.
Look at your audience, figure out where they're going to find out about it, and create content at that place. Conferences, trade magazines.

Drive everyone to one place or one action. All your content should be driving toward that one thing. For them, it's toward the ezine. Bottom line call to action is sign up for the e-zine. It's not about sending a sales pitch every week. Goal for them is building their list.

1. Decide first what they like to do: Do you like to write? Speak?
2. Look at audience -- how do they like to be communicated with? Online, offline? In front of them, what sort of publication, etc?
3. Overlapping of 1 and 2 is the best place. Focus on one medium, then add to that. Blog posts, then turn into articles.


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