Online marketing campaigns (for books)
Teleconference with a man named Ken Foster, who is a bestseller coach, another guy, and a lady named Adria Manara who got her Parenting book to #1 on Amazon.
Steps for an online marketing campaign to get your book to the top:
1. Make sure enough books are in stock at Amazon
2. Clearly identify who the book is for, what is the niche. Who will buy it?
3. E-mail allies, ask for help to get word out. Look for people with media contacts, who might have a gift your target market might like.
4. Create core team. It doesn't need to be big, just focussed.
a. copywriter - someone who can connect to you, to your message, and to your audience
b. web person - someone who can make it look good, competent. Doesn't need to have bells and whistles
-sends out all e-mails
-database of gift sponsors, list sponsors (people who just believe in you, without gift), and personal contacts
-create a webpage where sponsors/gift sponsors can sign up... help create a link for bonus gifts, description (hidden page)
-someone who is familiar with web marketing, knows how to do back end
-landing page - for press, the whole thing, whole promotion - only links are to buying
c. mentor/coach - to keep you going, help you ID niche
5. Contact everyone who has a database that includes your contact market
plan 60-90 day campaign
IDing niche:
What are your greatest strengths, abilities and skillsets? These are what you'll do in the campaign.
What do you hate doing? This is what you'll hire out.
Seven biggest mistakes in creating copy for marketing campaigns:
1. Copy is too long (in e-mail) - sometimes e-mail plus landing page with more info
Use warm personal tone with you-centered
2. Instructions are confusing - test it a lot
3. Not enough calls to action - minimum of two (one to say "Buy the book" and the second to say "Come back here for bonus")
4. Not running e-mail copy through spam-checkers
5. Having broken links
6. Having a poorly designed web page - style consistent with e-mail
7. Bonus gifts are poor quality
Gift sponsors:
Win-win... bonus gifts easy to deliver: ebooks, teleclasses, audio so they can deliver it all
-tell them your passion, when they realize it's free publicity, they will buy in
-must commit to 2 e-mails - 1, a week before, the 2nd the night before or morning of
Extra buzz for your campaign:
Find online forums, blogs with lots of activity for target audience - get people who resonate with your message
See if you can get media interviews - contact at least a month in advance - want to be live or aired on day of the campaign
Go to the hard ones first... ones with biggest lists, etc.
You need to commit to taking action - 60 day campaign of 6 hours a day - you can do it. Momentum will keep you going. Ghost writer:
Declan Dunn (sp?) - got a million people to come to their site in two days through a blog - put snippets of your book on it. Add: "Does this touch you in anyway?" "Did this ever happen to you?"
Successful moments (Adria Manara): Family to celebrate with you when you reach your goal Learned the importance of a team... people who know what they're doing
Team in your area of interest
Webmaster - INTEGRAL
In selling his coaching, Ken mentioned that those on the call were already ahead of most authors: compliment intelligence/vision of listener/viewer
If you have a passion, and message, you can then start identifying your niche. Once you have your niche, you can start looking for allies who believe in your message as well. Surround yourself with positive like-minded people who think differently(?) and keep your passion burning.
Passion: social/human rights issues
Allies: Laura, Lee, others?
Passion: horror, supernatural stuff
Allies: ???
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