Wednesday, September 12, 2007

5 Secrets That Will Make Your Web Site Go Ka-Ching!

Beth Schneider and Michele PW
1. Traffic - need marketing plan
- break it down by month and day
100 visitors a day is a goal to have... at that point, it'll become a lot easier
------ for small list, direct mail is much better, with URL!
-Pay per click is good for fast traffic - best for a product, not coaching, because you can only get 5 words
- use articles, make sure you have bio box at the end with a good ad
- press release - - costs money, but worth it

2. Headline(s)
-People take 3-5 seconds to decide whether to stick around. We'll read your headline, above the fold. Good headline is orange or red:
How much business are you losing because your copy isn't doing its job?
- person visiting it are in some kind of pain. They're there to make more money, for example. Looking for solution to the pain. Offer solution, or relate to pain. Use words your targets understand (do they know what copy is?) Don't use jargon. Hard to sell "You'll be happier." But can sell "fear of loss." Negative gets people reading. Avoiding pain/loss more powerful than pleasure-seeking. But do balance it... start with pain, then go into solution.

3. Call to action
Need to tell them what to do. Near the bottom, after reading copy. Be specific: click here to go to order page. Call here to do it.
- long sales letter -- people read it out of order, so good to have the call to action all over

Verdana - good for text
Sans serif for headlines

4. Adding credibility elements to your site
- want to know you'll deliver what you promised
- photo is very important - with dog/kids as side/about us photo - considered more credible and likeable (for real?) - people with think you're more likeable and trustworthy
- audio - welcome message 30-60 seconds. Physical address. Phone number.
- signature... handwritten
- associations, whatever
Ali, E-zine Queen - more personal she got, the more money she made

5. Have a follow-up system
-way to collect e-mails
- because you will educate them, then when they have need, they will search and go with your competitor
- suggests 1x a week, but 1x a month better than nothing
- follow up can be direct mail. Can be e-course...


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